Tools for building & testing knowledge that are used by millions of people. ProProfs hosts over 1,000,000 pieces of content in 70+ languages.
Marriage logo
Leading website for everything marriage features articles, guides, quizzes, blogs resources & community for healthier & happier marriage.
Founded in 2012 and acquired by ProProfs in February 2020, Qualaroo makes it easy to survey people in context while they are interacting with a website or app.
Founded in 2014 and acquired by ProProfs in Jan 2024, WebinarNinja is the best webinar software for coaches, teachers, trainers, and consultants to teach and grow their businesses.
CourseNinja is an all-in-one live teaching platform that lets you create, sell, and manage live and on-demand courses that record & save automatically. Founded in 2022, it was acquired by ProProfs in Jan 2024.
Bigcontacts logo
Part of the ProProfs customer software suite, BIGContacts software delivers all the power of the major CRM brands without the complexity and cost.
Picreel logo
Founded in 2013 and acquired by ProProfs in March 2021, Picreel is a leading conversion optimization software that helps grow sales and conversions with exit popups, overlays, and more.
Software for creating online documents & help guides; acquired by Batia Infotech and integrated into the ProProfs Knowledgebase product line.
Founded in 2003, Live2Support provides the world's most feature-rich online customer chat support solution to thousands of companies worldwide.
Project Bubble
Launched in 2009, Florida based online project management software with more than 50,000 users was acquired and integrated into ProProfs.
Social shopping network helping people discover & recommend amazing products. ThisNext was acquired by Batia Infotech in 2015 and has been non-operational since 2017.
One of the largest social shopping communities for fashion & style. StyleHive was acquired by Batia Infotech in 2015 and has been non-operational since 2017.
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